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Manglik dosh or yog cancel mantra  for girl 2021,Mars in first house,Mars in Fourth house, Mars in seventh house,Mars in eight house, Mars in twelfth house,Manglik dosh or yog cancel mantra for boy & girl in 2021.

In today article we going to discuss about MANGLIK DOSH OR YOG CANCEL & MANTRA,
First we should know that what is it.In  Astrology manglik dosh mainly seen through ,Lagna Chart,
Moon chart

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Now we see how Manglik dosh or yoga seeing in the chart ,if Mars sit in the first house, fourth house
seventh house ,eight house  , twelve house, in both  moon chart & lagna chart.
(this is the method of the northern indian style,in south indian style Mars in the  Second house also
 considered as  a Manglik dosh or yoga.
Manglik dosh or yog cancel mantra  given below

About mars

Mars is the fourth planet from sun, and it also called the  Red Planet. Mars is the lord of Arise and Scorpio sun sign.Mars exalted in Capricorn sing,Mars rule the 3 &10 house in the Astrology.Mars is associated with Mars .Mars is associated with aggression, confrontation, energy, strength, ambition and impulsiveness

Mars in first house

The 1st house is about self. It is also about the beginning. The creation starts with the sense of ‘I’. Only when there is self,
Attitude and personality
Professional life
Social image You are fierce and aggressive. At the same time, you are active and dynamic. Basic point is, you need to reign in your energy and use it positively, constructively, and productively. Besides, you need to be more organized and planned for your activities. If you work in an unorganised manner, you are unlikely to make the desired success. But if you work with proper planning, you can go places.

Mars in fourth house

The 4th house is associated with property, land, relationships with women, domestic affairs, emotions, relationships and comforts in life.

Domestic Affairs
Real-estate / Property Well, natives with Mars in their 4th house have both strengths and weaknesses in their life. It makes them brave, bold, and muscular but at the same time, it also makes them short-tempered, aggressive, and self-destructive. Individuals with such placement are advised to speak with kindness and never lose control while talking to their wives and mothers as their importance plays a pivotal role behind the success of the natives.

Mars in seventh house

 the natal chart of an individual makes him/her impulsive, aggressive, and energetic by nature. The placement of Mars in 7th house governs natives’ relationships, especially their married life. It reflects both positive and negative influences on the natives’ relationships. 
individuals with Mars in their 7th house experience both ups and downs in their life. It provides the individual with both physical and mental strength to overcome their life hurdles. The presence of Mars in the 7th house provides the natives a wonderful love life with loads of happiness. But when this conjunction creates a negative influence, it causes great harm to natives’ relationships and gives rise to traumatic events in their love life.

Mars in eight house

The areas covered by the 8th house include transformation and crisis, our attitude towards crisis and change, sexuality, death and rebirth, personal growth and transformation, regeneration, our partner’s resources, addictions, psychology, others’ money, taxes, divorce/alimony, inheritance
Attitude towards life
Career and profession
Intuitive abilities 
Health and well-being 
The natives of Mars in 8th house can be very passionate and ambitious. They may be able to achieve most of their ambitions. However, they need to be less dominating with others and let them have their way. If they are able to do that, they can attain huge success. 

Mars in twelfth  house

Mars in twelfth  House natives may react emotionally to all sorts of things and are prone to repressing their instincts. Because others will feel all this about them, they will often have problems interacting.

 Emotional, direct and creative;
 Secretive and insecure;
 Avoid living in the past

 once you’ve learned its lessons;These individuals need to use their many social connections and manage their life by making things happen for them because they’re able and energetic enough for action.Believing they can do great things is very difficult for them, so they should allow others to encourage them, just like they encourage others all the time. A little bit of confidence could have them accomplish great things in life.Fantasizing is not something they should rely on, as only taking action can put them on the right track, which can in return make them very happy.

IN different style of astrology their is a little bit  difference on the Manglik dosh or yoga  cancel ,Like 
KP system, Nadi jyotish , parashar jyotish  lal kitab etc, are the from of  AStrology.

Some people have Manglik dosh or yoga  in their birth chart also called as lagna chart, & some have dosh in their Moon chart ,that is called anshik Manglik dosh.Very few people have Manglik dosh in their 
both  chart. These people  have  strong manglik dosh or yoga

Now the most important thing is how the get Manglik dosh  or yoga cancel mantra & there are few points given below

1  Marriage  after the 28 year of age
2 If mars sit in own sing (Aries & Scorpio)  Manglik dosh or yo cancel
3 If mars have a conjunction with sun or jupiter (with in 10 degree) also if sun &            jupiter sitting in Tirkon     bhav (with in 10 degree)
4 If mars (Bal awastha 0 to 6 degree, or in mirt aawastha 24 to30).

 Manglik dosh or yog cancel mantra 2021

Remedies of manglik dosh

1 Do a kumbh vivah
2 Do a pooja in Mangalnath temple in Ujjain MP.
3 Manglik dosh or yog cancel mantra
    (not any specific mantra for this dosh astrologer suggesting chanting the Navgrah shanti mantra )

(These remedish & cancel yog Can only reduce the effect of Manglik dosh of your life, still u have to face little bit impacts of your own life)

Manglik girl or a boy can marry with non manglik girls,In certain condition normal people cannot understand it,thus way i am not discuss it here.

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Before taking any action on manglik dosh Please concert a Astrologer which u have trust on it. 

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